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Preparing for your first 40 Days postpartum is just as important as preparing for your birth. All too often mothers arrive home with baby and feel overwhelmed, exhausted and anxious. I am here to help you plan for and navigate this crucial time for you, baby and your new family.
My presentation at the 2021 Birth Symposium.
I will meet with you in person or online to discuss your unique postpartum needs and to help you write your plan. This plan can then be shared with family and friends so that everyone is on the same page to support YOU and BABY.
What things are important to eat in those first few days and weeks following the birth of your baby? Your body is working hard to repair, heal and nourish both you and your baby. Let me help you plan a delicious nutritious postpartum recovery menu that is easy to prepare. Create a meal train or stock up your freezer!
After birth you may have tears, stitches, swelling, bruising, hemorrhoids, constipation. So much going on that can get in the way of enjoying time with your baby. Let me show you natural ways to soothe, heal and support your body at this time.
If this is your first time with a newborn, or even your second, it is always beneficial to have someone you can contact to discuss nursing and bonding with your little one. Problems like engorgement and mastitis can be addressed and prevented. Let me show you how to help baby latch on with natural breastfeeding methods and techniques that really help during those early days.
Let me pamper you with abdominal massage to help your body relax and your uterus and bladder return to their pre-pregnancy place. This also helps with digestion and constipation. A rebozo hip sifting and Closing The Bones Ceremony is a powerful way to return your body, mind and soul back to its centre, Find acceptance and harmony with your new role as a mother.
Learn exercises you can do together with your baby, including baby massage, rhymes, movement, pelvic floor exercises to help with incontinence and yoga postures to help bring your abdominal muscles back together (address Diastasis Recti).
I had the pleasure of talking with six International Doulas, Birth workers and Birth Activists who are currently writing a book (with me) "Birthing With Heart - The Birth of A Mother". They share wisdom for birthing and being a new mother during this time of Covid and Social Isolation as well as an initiative to support new mothers currently in lockdown in the UAE. So much love here. Love for yourself, for each other and especially for new mothers and their little ones. Enjoy
Have You been told your baby has colic and there’s nothing you can do about it? This article Busts 5 Myths About Colic and shares 5 Key Strategies which you can begin implementing straight away.
Babies are born craving our touch. Nurturing touch provides so many benefits for baby and is a wonderful way to bond together.
Relief from teething pain
Relief from Colic
Soothing and Settling strokes to help baby relax and sleep
Stimulation of baby's nervous system and brain development
Strokes to boost baby's circulation and move oxygen and nutrients around the body
Blossom and Berry Baby Massage Classes also encourage responsive parenting that helps babies to feel secure, understood and loved.
Parents gain confidence to respond to their baby's cues and also benefit from the love hormone oxytocin that massage helps to release in both parent and baby.
Classes use eye contact, singing, rhyming and massage strokes
A natural vegetable oil is applied to babies skin also providing nourishment and nutrients.
You can also book a private baby massage session online or in person ph: 0437 631 294
Once your baby is six weeks old it is the perfect time to start Baby Yoga. My classes will create sensory experiences for baby to learn and grow, as well as help you to recover your strength and pelvic floor tone.
Why not join a group class and connect with other mums.
Join me on Influencr Magazine for my Talk Show "Only Love"
This week my guest was the Love Creator Entrepreneur Extraordinaire Gayle Berry of Blossom and Berry Baby Massage and Yoga.
Learn how you can use different oils to relieve many pregnancy related discomforts and to support a more calm natural birth
You may have had an apparently "normal" birth but feel disappointed or distressed. You may feel you weren’t listened to, felt like you had no control over what was happening, or felt you weren’t treated with respect or dignity. You might be mourning the birth experience you didn’t have.
The Labyrinth is an ancient symbol which guides us on a journey into deeper meaning and fulfillment. Using Art Therapy, and deep listening you will explore the thoughts, emotions and beliefs surrounding your birth experience. During this deeply healing session you will create your own Birth Story Labyrinth and a deeper understanding of the wisdom and gifts this powerful transformation has endowed upon you.
Some parents feel upset, distressed or traumatised by childbirth.
Pregnancy, birthing a baby and becoming a parent is not always how you dreamed it would be. Unresolved birth trauma can affect your physical, mental, sexual and social wellbeing.
I will work side by side with you to discover gentle ways to nurture your emotional recovery and journey to emotional well-being after a difficult pregnancy, birth or transition to parenting.
In Person at House of Prana Launceston